Drymix Mortar Yearbook 3D Special
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scalingUp3D - The Interdisciplinary Conference on Printable Mortars, took place on 27. and 28. June 2019 in Wopfing and Vienna, Austria. The conference with its combination of practical demonstrations and technical lectures gained high acclaim by the delegates. By mutual request of them as well as encouraged by our industry peers, drymix.info decided to issue The Drymix Mortar Yearbook 3D Special.The 78-page book contains many of the lectures held during scalingUp3D.
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The Drymix Mortar Yearbook 3D Special contains many of the lectures held during scalingUp3D here are the titles (sorted alphabetically by company/institution:
BauMinator / 3 D Druck Baumit GmbH, Wopfing, Austria | Eduard Artner: The BauMinator 3D Concrete Printing System
GDCh Fachgruppe Bauchemie/Division of the Chemistry of Construction Materials of the German Chemical Society, Frankfurt, Germany | Roger Zurbriggen: Welcome Speech
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ETH, Zürich, Switzerland | Ana Maria Anton: Concrete Choreography - 3D Printing of Concrete Columns
m-tec mathis technik GmbH, Neuenburg, Germany | Timo Flamm: Duo-Mix Connect "The King of the Building Site" - Dedicated to Building 4.0 / 3DCP
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA | Dale P. Bentz, Scott Z. Jones, Isaiah R. Bentz and Max A. Peltz: Towards the Formulation of Robust and Sustainable Cementitious Binders for 3-D Additive Construction by Extrusion
PrintStones GmbH, Vienna, Austria | Herwig Hengl: Printstones Mobile Concrete 3D Printing
Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), Germany | Sven Pfeiffer, Dietmar Stephan, Tobias Dorn, Tamino Hirsch: State of the Art and Perspectives of 3D Printing in Construction
Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany | Harald Kloft, Dirk Lowke and Norman Hack: An Innovative and Efficient Technology for 3D Printing of Large-scale Concrete Components
UltraTest GmbH, Achim, Germany | Christoph Duwe: Ultrasonic Measurements at 3D Applications
Wacker Chemie AG, Burghausen, Germany | Klaus Bonin: Formulating 3D-Printing Mortars with Polymer Binders and Synthetic Fibers