cedmmc eight 19. September 2024, Istanbul, Turkey, Admission Mortar Manufacturers from Abroad

cedmmc eight 19. September 2024, Istanbul, Turkey, Admission Mortar Manufacturers from Abroad


Product Description:

Admission for mortar manufacturers from outside Turkey

The Eighth Central and South European Drymix Mortar Conference and Industry Showcase cedmmc seven provides a proven platform for the discussion of drymix mortar technology in the Central and South European Region. The full-day conference features presentations by invited national and international experts as well as an Industry Showcase section for the information of the delegates.

100,00 € incl. tax, excl. shipping

Admission includes access to all lectures, the Industry Showcase, the coffee breaks and the business lunch. Also included: list of delegates, conference materials. Accommodation, parking and transport to and from conference are not included. Paid admissions are non-refundable unless the conference is being cancelled for whatever reason. In this case, 90% will be refunded.

Organized by:

Micro-Conference Pte. Ltd., 80 South Bridge Road, Singapore, 058710

Phone +49 89 6200 0232, Fax to +49 89 6200 9911


Subject to change without notice