cedmmc eight 19. September 2024, Istanbul, Turkey, Admission Mortar Manufacturers from Abroad
Product Description:
Admission for mortar manufacturers from outside Turkey
The Eighth Central and South European Drymix Mortar Conference and Industry Showcase cedmmc seven provides a proven platform for the discussion of drymix mortar technology in the Central and South European Region. The full-day conference features presentations by invited national and international experts as well as an Industry Showcase section for the information of the delegates.
Admission includes access to all lectures, the Industry Showcase, the coffee breaks and the business lunch. Also included: list of delegates, conference materials. Accommodation, parking and transport to and from conference are not included. Paid admissions are non-refundable unless the conference is being cancelled for whatever reason. In this case, 90% will be refunded.
Organized by:
Micro-Conference Pte. Ltd., 80 South Bridge Road, Singapore, 058710
Phone +49 89 6200 0232, Fax to +49 89 6200 9911
Subject to change without notice